For a full description of the project, read "The Idea for the Formula" (May 1st post).

Saturday, May 2, 2009

How It Works

While each item of clothing has a different point value, the basic idea is as follows.

The Month of the outfit is determined by the combination of items on the lower body. Each item has a designated point value. The total of all lower body points equals the number for the month of the year. January = 1, February = 2, March = 3…

The Day of the Week that the outfit is worn is determined by the color of the outermost T-shirt. In addition to marking the day, the T-shirt color has a point value that also contributes to the date.

The Date of the outfit is determined by the combination of items on the upper body. Each item has a designated point value. The total of all upper body points equals the number for the date of the month.

Rules for long sleeve T-shirts

Long sleeve T-shirts equal the same day and point value for color as short sleeve T-shirts.

A long sleeve T-shirt over a short sleeve T-shirt counter acts & cancels the hidden shirt.

A long sleeve T-shirt under a Short sleeve T-shirt contributes points to the date, but does not effect the day represented by the outer short sleeve T-shirt.

Special Rules / Unique Exceptions

Green T-shirt and Blue Thread (in lip) = Memorable Injury = May 19th

Silver Paisley Neck Tie = Anniversary = June 28th

Pumpkin Socks = Halloween = October 31st

Red and Green Socks = Christmas = December 25th

Heart Socks = Valentines Day = February 14th

Emergency Back Up

In the event that a proper date cannot be achieved, an emergency kit of patches (including all months, days and numbers) has been generated to uniquely mark the date. The patches are to be sewn to an available shirt. The shirt must then be retired at the end of the day as documentation for the project.

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