For a full description of the project, read "The Idea for the Formula" (May 1st post).

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Irony of the Formula

For some time now, I've been contemplating the irony of this entire project.  The primary reason for me to even start this silly thing was to create a unique outfit for every day of the year in an attempt to make each day memorable by the clothing combination that was assigned to that date.  The sad truth is that, while the formula does give me a unique outfit for each day of the year, it has homogenized my wardrobe to the point that very few days are that memorable.  Where one would normally dress for a significant occasion, mood or just plane old day of the week, I dress to the points every day with no connection to what I might be doing. The concert I see today looks only slightly different than the dinner out last week.  I no longer wear special things on special days or reserve favorites for significant events.

Strangely, I'm ok with this.  This entire year was meant to be research.  If I knew all the quirks when I started, I wouldn't need to even do it.  There is so much that I never anticipated and has only become clear from doing it for this long of a period of time.

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